It's me snitches!

Thumbnail of the map 'It's me snitches!'

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Author chicken21200
Tags author:chicken21200 its me rated snitches survival woo
Created 2008-07-05
Last Modified 2008-07-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description FREEEZE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dont go for the gold' Thumbnail of the map 'Labyrinth for your life' Thumbnail of the map 'The Locked Labyrinth 2'
Dont go for the gold Labyrinth for your life The Locked Labyrinth 2


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My brother is chicken21200 and he is so not reasonable! I told him to put that i helped on EVERY map because I DID HELP!!! Anyway, just everyone keep in mind that i helped him!

rate mine

did you?

no he can't !

nick can't beat it! are you kidding? he cheated like ten times!


orange, it's really fun when i play it! My brother (who stinks) can get through it. You should be able to.
1.5, rounded up. but look at some other authors maps to get some ideas on how to make a good map, also trapdoors under gold = bad. especially how far into the level you used it because it means that someone who tried really hard to get through the whole level can be screwed up by it, it's less effective therefore more tolerable at the start, but still not a good idea.

My bad.

It's possible. It's a pretty shit map though. It's repetitive and boring. Do you, the author, find it fun to go around and around a little spiral, and then back again? As a general rule of thumb, if the author doesn't find a map fun, then it shouldn't be submitted.

In any case, 1/5.
Thus I can get no enjoyment out of it.