The Cave

Thumbnail of the map 'The Cave'

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Author N_Yarden
Tags author:n_yarden hard mines tileset tricky unrated
Created 2008-07-14
Last Modified 2008-07-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tilest made by Lord_Day.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Around And Around!' Thumbnail of the map 'Choose Your Path!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Dont Kill The Rocket!' Thumbnail of the map 'N+' Thumbnail of the map 'Falling Rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'Da B/-\ll'
Around And Around! Choose Your Path!! Dont Kill The Rocket! N+ Falling Rockets Da B/-\ll


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i really have no idea who those guys are. im liking them tho =D
i swear on my life there not me =)
I actually liked the simplicity with the laser, it was placed nicely.

A gauss turret and less mines would have made it more fun. And the tunnel was great is some places then "wtf how the heck do I do that?" (namely the mine jump in very bottom right) in other places.

All in all pretty good. 3/5 from me, nice job.


Thank you! ive never had some1 thinking 1 of my maps is 5/5!
and i thought people will say its too hard


I like this map!
The idea with the cave is soooo cool!