Livin' on The Edge

Thumbnail of the map 'Livin' on The Edge'

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Author sweet_chicken
Tags action author:sweet_chicken fun mines playable rated
Created 2008-07-16
Last Modified 2008-07-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description my third map , hard for me, took me forever to beat it myself.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'first!' Thumbnail of the map '2nd'
first! 2nd


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Kitchen sink

i tried to put quite a bit in a small space so... i didnt have enoough room to not hide the thwumps, unless i ruind the tileset. :)!

I liked it

But yeah, it was a tad hard/repetitive. And you could use half the mines. And HIDDEN ENEMIES NONONONO

Neverevereverever hide enemies.


AGD (All Gold Demo)
oh yeah score = 5aved
Demo Data

very tricky

yungerkid does have a point, but if you were to delete every other mine, then the gold/mine scheme would bet distracting and inconsistent.


i like how your levels resemble metanet's and are simplistic. as for the mines, you could have deleted every other mine and still have had the same effect. also, the thing was a bit long, (and repetitive). keep it up though!
3.5/5 rounded up