Gilded Gorge

Thumbnail of the map 'Gilded Gorge'

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Author Arona_Daal
Tags action ad. author:arona_daal gold playable rated rockets
Created 2008-07-30
Last Modified 2008-07-31
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description 06-0

I figured it was time to start working on it again. This is easy because it's meant for an episode.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Non-Euclidean' Thumbnail of the map 'Indirection' Thumbnail of the map 'Glasheim' Thumbnail of the map 'Guerilla' Thumbnail of the map 'Artificial' Thumbnail of the map 'Asteroid Path'
Non-Euclidean Indirection Glasheim Guerilla Artificial Asteroid Path


Pages: (0)


I wish the homing launchers were more of a threat though.


Very good and flowy tileset.

Very Good

This Level is sooo Good
whoo. fun. bad rocket placement. 4.5aved.
Demo Data

It was fun

I liked the simplicity of it.
Demo Data


just can't seem to understand that it's not meant to be hard :P. can't wait for more.
Demo Data

Slower AGD

It's fun, but, as spuzalot said, the rockets did nothing. I liked the gold placement and tileset, though.

I'm looking forward to the pack.

Demo Data

oh come on!

They're mostly aesthetic, and it's a episode starter, so it's supposed to be really easy.


I thought the rockets could have been placed better. still 4/5


Sub 700. Very fun to speedrun but the rocket did litereally nothing.
Demo Data