
Thumbnail of the map 'Glub'

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Author chicken21200
Tags author:chicken21200 dda fun glub glubb glubby unrated
Created 2008-08-07
Last Modified 2008-08-07
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It is a new N term! Glub! Glub means hiding a group of launch pads under exit doors. GLUUUUUB! no enemies.

BTW its a DDA.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'In the Sewers' Thumbnail of the map 'The N-d' Thumbnail of the map 'Race on the Pillars' Thumbnail of the map 'TNCC Week 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Box DED Challenge!' Thumbnail of the map 'Arborist77 DED'
In the Sewers The N-d Race on the Pillars TNCC Week 1 Death Box DED Challenge! Arborist77 DED


Pages: (0)

Instead of using exits to cover the launchpads, why not just put this at the end of the code:

Anyway, 3.5/5.


By that rule, Clifty's "Faceoff" sucks, and so does prpperty's "The Epic Getaway." Check NReality for speedrun demos of those DDAs.

A DDA should entertain and excite the audience. This DDA doesn't do that enough. Even though the hidden launchpads were interesting and mildly entertaining, it would've been a lot better with close calls with enemies, more varieties of propulsion, and fewer boring waits like the one for the thwump.

no u idiots!

GLUB is the new term not DDA! sheesh!

A useless demo.

AfterTheRain's right, this map had severe launchpad hemorrhage, and wasn't fun to watch until the hidden launchpads got there which were pretty interesting though, it was to short. I'll be generous and give a 2/5
Demo Data


Did I win?
Demo Data


My demo didn't work. Here.
Demo Data

I abide by my rule.

Any DDA I can complete faster by doing something sucks. 1/5
Demo Data


I think "glub" was the new term...

DDA is by no means a new term.

No close calls, overuse of launchpads, boring. The hidden launchpads were sorta interesting.