Nr.2 of my Friend´s made maps

Thumbnail of the map 'Nr.2 of my Friend´s made maps'

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Author brainstone
Tags author:brainstone playable rated tileset
Created 2008-08-13
Last Modified 2008-08-13
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I think it´s a lot better than his first one. This is the tileset The existence of an underground being []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Japan´s dreams' Thumbnail of the map '-Downtown Fight-' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tale of the Dronerider' Thumbnail of the map '-Downtown Fight Survival-' Thumbnail of the map 'Wanna see my new swatch?' Thumbnail of the map 'My Friend´s Map'
Japan´s dreams -Downtown Fight- The Tale of the Dronerider -Downtown Fight Survival- Wanna see my new swatch? My Friend´s Map


Pages: (0)

The only thing that ticks me is the laser.
Still, it's fun stuff.

Sorry man.

This map ain´t good. 2.

This is really fun.

I think the exit switch room is a bit hard, don't you think.