La Vie En N

Thumbnail of the map 'La Vie En N'

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Author UndeadPie
Tags author:undeadpie dda rated rockets
Created 2008-08-24
Last Modified 2008-08-24
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description This got quite long and it only contains rockets, RCE =)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Deadbeat' Thumbnail of the map 'A Piece of Nothing Fills Me Up' Thumbnail of the map 'Full But Empty' Thumbnail of the map 'Soup w. Meat Balls' Thumbnail of the map 'N Has Been Framed' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountain MaN'
Deadbeat A Piece of Nothing Fills Me Up Full But Empty Soup w. Meat Balls N Has Been Framed Mountain MaN


Pages: (0)

but...lagggggy. sry. 5 anyway.

btw, can you please, PLEASE, look at my maps?
If yes,
my DDAs []
my actions []
my teleporters []
and, last but not least, my funhouses []


just meant to put "amazing" in bold, italics, and underlinment.

The map?

but...lagggggy. sry. 5 anyway.

btw, can you please, PLEASE, look at my maps?
If yes, my DDAs []
my actions []
my teleporters []
and, last but not least, my funhouses []
that is some extremely construcive critisism.


Here's the rest of the comment:
There is a gauss in the map, you know. (You said that there's only rockets in the description)
The gauss was used pretty well near the beginning, but later in the DDA, it played less and less of a role, especially when you had the trapdoor almost right next to it, which severely limited its firing arc. After the first half or so of the DDA, it didn't create enough really exceptional close calls.
You also ran away from the rockets more than was necessary - although it doesn't seem like that at first, if you look at it carefully, there are a lot of moments when you were just running away from the rockets when you could've turned around and gotten more close calls and more excitement.
Also, you should've ended the DDA a little bit earlier, because the last few bits were rather uneventful.
Overall, very good. We need more DDAs of this sort of quality.

Much better than most DDAs these days.


there is just one possiybility to rate this map


it's better than anything I can make XD I think it had a few nice close calls, and the use of propellage throughout the level is excellent, but it just doesn't appeal to me as much as other DDAs. 3.5 but i'll round up.


Not that great. Pretty uneventful, not a lot of exciting close calls. Most of the elements of this have become the standard for DDA's nowadays. 2/5

Break away from the norm! Conceptualise, invent and innovate! You've got the potential, you just need to think laterally.

Ok .. Good Idea ( tempis pour moi je me sens encore plus seul )


I just had french classes in school and a funny teacher who mentioned La Vie En Rose =)

Tu es francophone ?

Good idea

Riobe =) I am working on it
Btw N behaves quite funny after he exits in debug mode

Good idea

Riobe =) I am working on it
Btw N behaves quite funny after he exits in debug mode

You should make

One of those super hectic rocket/chaingun DDAs. That would blow my mind.

Haha yeh

i was very much considering whether the length of it was a good thing xD it is all practice though : P And with only rockets it is easier to find unexploited ways. Consider the map is quite big
Thanks a lot for the rates =)
since I saw a DDA like this. 2884 frames. I congratulate you on your patience. plenty of close calls, good knowledge of propulsion. He didn't write the book on DDA's, that was Clifty. Still, worth a 5 from me

Very nice

Very very nice. It got quite boring near the end, but it was fun to watch none the less. =D


this guy wrote the book on DDAs, how can you be that good? 5/5


Thankfully the rockets didn't clump together. Veryyy nice.


dda near-perfection