
Thumbnail of the map 'trampolines'

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Author Presto99
Tags author:presto99 playable survival unrated
Created 2008-08-28
Last Modified 2008-08-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description my third level. I tried to make it easier.

Other maps by this author

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1st map of mine circles


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And I mean no one. The bouncepad thing is almost as bad as hiding a trapdoor behind a gold that seals the player on a corridor until they decide to press the k button. Dont tdo that either.
I meant to put them that way. don't go for that tempting gold at the bottom. do a short jump onto the trampoline in the middle.


I don't think you put the l-pads the wrong way, but it is quite annoying. You could have just used one-ways and have mines just above the cheatable area... much more aesthetically pleasing. Other than that, it wasn't designed all that well--I didn't find much intuitive other than that. You put a few useless objects in (which I don't really like unless it give a visual flow) like the mines in the bottom of the spiky area. The ninja can't reach them normally. If he /does/, he's already dead.


I like this level. the best one I made.the trampolines at the bottom are a death sentence, by the way. the trick out for the laser droid. take your time. yeah.