
Thumbnail of the map 'Bubbles'

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Author N_625
Tags author:n_625 fun unrated
Created 2008-08-29
Last Modified 2008-08-29
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's my first teleportation map!

Thanx to LittleViking for the help with the teleports :)


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I didn't find the teleporters too big of an issue, but it is best to have them so they don't shoot the ninja off the map. The enemies, however, did play a key role and offered a good challenge. The tile could have been a little better, but the map was fun to play.

What do you know!

I downloaded the zip file straight away after the last random comment.

Is that alright Sherlock?

(I realise that last sentence was totally unnecessary)


You know i'm going to find out how ot make teleporters soon enoungh
Anyway, have you trued this on Nreality?



thanks man

found the zip file, might give it a go, cheers!


i went to metenet forums and quick searched 'teleporters'.
i then kept scrolling down until i found a hyperlink to a zip folder. its by littleviking :)


i hate you soooooooo much
(by the way 5/5 :))
thats bad. try to restrict the ways into it. everything for a good map was there, just it wasn't put together well

Nice, but how?

liked the map, laser drone at the beginning was well placed to be a threat for the first two switches. But I don't know how you make the teleporters, could you help? oh yeah-3.5 but il round up...