Matt Pack 0.3: Ionic

Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 0.3: Ionic'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt jumps mattpack mines playable unrated
Created 2008-09-06
Last Modified 2008-09-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Dear god Im starting a map pack, I must be getting old.

Other maps by this author

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Nter the Matrix War of the Roses 3 In Can Scuba Sideways Simon Polydactylism Tapeworm Paradise


Pages: (0)


2.5/5... up


Not much fun, I thought the drones worked quite well though.
Also you started with 0.3? :P or did I just miss some delisted ones?

On second thoughts

After testing out different scenarios, this is probably the best drone pathing available.


Ill edit it slightly...


This was pretty good just way too repeatative. Drones werent timed very well. I love the bounce pads though.
Demo Data