Down By The River

Thumbnail of the map 'Down By The River'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author autosurfer
Tags author:autosurfer good playable rated
Created 2008-09-08
Last Modified 2008-09-08
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Well, a simple map with a good idea. (I THINK)
Remember that there are some launch pads hidden below the bouncing blocks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The bull that challenges the fishes' Thumbnail of the map 'Candy Coated Dream' Thumbnail of the map 'The Day After The Revolution' Thumbnail of the map '97 Lovers (C15)' Thumbnail of the map 'Sky Blue Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'One Hell Of A Party'
The bull that challenges the fishes Candy Coated Dream The Day After The Revolution 97 Lovers (C15) Sky Blue Sky One Hell Of A Party


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i love this level.
its so simple yet so pleasing to the eyes and the fingers!


bugging but cool concept

Nice map

Good concept, but I'm pushed away by all the empty space that comes with the concept. +3.5 rounded up.
Demo Data

Nice idea (I think)

Very well made.

i like it,

and the tileset is good, but it lacks something. i think it's just personal preference though; i'll still give it a 4/5.


The same people rating my maps!!!
Thank you guys for the support
There's quite a lot of things I like about this map. 4aved
Demo Data

Pretty fun!

The trap doors confused me quite a bit since I kept trying to jump off them before I got to them; the collision for trapdoors is only 1 pixel whereas the sprite is like 7 or 8 in one direction...

Slow AGD:
Demo Data

nice, really

I just think that the tileset is a little bit, uhm, clumsy.