Dont be Scared

Thumbnail of the map 'Dont be Scared'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags addictive author:gods_reaper fun rated
Created 2008-09-10
Last Modified 2008-09-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description im kinda starting to think N is very slowly diein. so idk. please rate and comment.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Destruction of School Property' Thumbnail of the map 'DED to Jingles_Master' Thumbnail of the map 'Stay Calm' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Jumper' Thumbnail of the map 'Get to the top'
Simple Challenge 2 Destruction of School Property DED to Jingles_Master Stay Calm Gold Jumper Get to the top


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i don't really care about the graphics of the design. the art is not what i'm complaining about. i guess it's personal preference; but in the long run, it won't have any noticable effect on the community. what's causing numa to die is the lack of a list of authors. these days, one can only see the other authors that have new maps out, unless one uses the random tab. this means that the recognized names get more votes just because they're recognized, and the unheard-of people get fewer votes, just because they're unheard-of. that's not the way that it's supposed to work, in my opinion. but...we shouldn't be discussing this here :/ sorry.

N isn't dying

And what if you're leaving?

the redesign,

i dont know about it =/
i kinda liked the older design better. ah well... I guess it's the price of innovation.


is not dying. the great authors may be leaving, but... they are leaving to make way for the new great authors. look around! if you say NUMA is dying, you havent been looking at peoples maps!

you know,

i think numa is dying. i think that the redesign inflicted a crippling wound upon the society. i'm not going to go into details here. but recently, i have begun to think that maybe numa isn't dying after all. we had a golden age, and mostly all the greatest authors of it are gone. but we have a new wave emerging that i think will hold us over for a while. our greatest are not as good as the golden age authors seemed to be, but then again, there are only so many innovations that are possible with this game. it's bound to die some time. that's no reason to quit, though.

Another thing

I didn't want to be mean! =)


I agree with flagmyidol, you have to face it.
When i started I thought nobody was interested in my maps.
i decided to put more effort into my maps and know some people are interested in them.
You should try to do the same!!
Btw: I like this kind of jumper maps

N isn't dying

It's just getting better.

Don't LEAVE!

We like your presense.
as for the map, could've been better, but still pretty good.



N is dying. but be a man. see it out to the bitter, tragic end.
5/5 for having the courage to speak out against tyranny.


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