Astroid Attack!

Thumbnail of the map 'Astroid Attack!'

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Author Death_defyer
Tags action author:death_defyer rated
Created 2008-09-15
Last Modified 2008-09-15
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description First map

have fun!!!


Pages: (0)


thats mean
For the purpose of lowering the map's average rating.

Awesome map

would've rated it a 4 even if it wasn't your first (= Faster demo on nreality btw.

The gauss is easy

And you don't have to go for the gold

I rated a 3

2.5 up. Why? Most of the gold gathering was boring, and the gauss created a massive difficulty spike compared to this. The tiles gav the impression of freedom but actually really restricted the player. Id just liked to have seen a looser map with a few more enemies in it. But the concepts good. Stick with this idea, just make it looser.


Doesn snipe mean?
Beter than my first. I'd say there is quite a lot of gold there, but that doesn't really matter. Good job. 4/5
By the way, has someone sniped this map?


Faster on Nreality


On Nreality

in that case

give him credit for patience. as for the map, it looked better than the average first map, but played mediocre. also tailed off at the end. NR because I would give it a 2, which is harsh.
hes probably made loads and just submitted this one


I greatly disagree. Average is now the usual first map, with mines under gold, spam, etc. This map stands out as very good, because it is infinitely better than the average first map. Now, this map would be average if you made it. But, in any case, this is an outstanding (first) map.

good first

but it's rather average
to be honest I was prepared for critisicm but...

thanks guys!

Welcome to NUMA!

And excellent map. Good tiles, object/enemy placement, and concept. I greatly enjoy maps like this.
4 + 1 for first map = 5

Just so you know

I make derived maps too, I'm just a copycat:)


I just looked at lots of maps


nice, but try to create your own style, and don't derive style's from other map makers. ofcourse I know that for a first map, that's impossible, but i just said it to let you know. Do what you want with it:)
For a first level, this is extremely good.
4, and I hope to see more maps of you



Very Good !