Peaceful Standstill 04-1

Thumbnail of the map 'Peaceful Standstill 04-1'

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Author Lightning55
Tags action author:lightning55 playable rated utopian
Created 2008-09-25
Last Modified 2008-09-25
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description RCE. New type of tree, gold trees.

Other maps by this author

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9x9 Wonderain Finesse of the Weapons 02-4 Convulsion of the Earth 03-2 Ballistomituphobia 03-3 Thundercakes 03-4 The Road to Life 04-0


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Anti-sniped =)

That 3-tile perpendicular is definitely tricky. I agree with Numby on this one - the aesthetics were unspectacular - but the gameplay was fun and I liked the flow. 4/5, up to 5 to antisnipe.

The last jump

is definitely the hardest. You jump into the 3 tile and perform a perpendicular jump on it, you should just reach the bounce block, then jump on top of the bounce block and jump again to reach the exit.


tricky. 3/5

I just need to know

why the rating is still a 2...


I liked how the map was flowy in parts. I also enjoyed the gauss placement and the mine placement in the bottom left area. I felt more work could've been done on the aesthetics.

I give 4/5, but I'll rate 5/5 to balance out the snipes.

2 ppl

and the rating is a 2... If its a 1,Id still like to know why....

But since 4+0/2 = 2, then I guess some retard sniped this map.


not really a new tree, just one that I see less used.