
Thumbnail of the map 'Introduction'

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Author _Null
Tags author:_null experimental minejumper save unrated
Created 2008-10-09
Last Modified 2008-10-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For anyone asking "What's the point of those 3 trap doors down at the bottom of the level?!?", read on. Well, I decided to make a new system to see if anyone else will integrate it into their maps. It is a sort of "Save" system. Now people can make a demo for a certain part of the map. Just delete N and place him on the trap door switch of your choice and when you post your demo, just say where he was.

Like always,go have some fun. I will try to use this system in a few more of my maps in the future.

Type: Minejumper

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Was I Closer Than Before?' Thumbnail of the map 'Is Your Cat A Pirate?' Thumbnail of the map 'Fire + Ice = Lukewarm Water' Thumbnail of the map 'Phase Shift' Thumbnail of the map '2D' Thumbnail of the map 'Eyes of The Operation'
Was I Closer Than Before? Is Your Cat A Pirate? Fire + Ice = Lukewarm Water Phase Shift 2D Eyes of The Operation


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awesome, love the tiles aswell. 4/5, btw check out some of my new maps :)