Runner a Thwump

Thumbnail of the map 'Runner a Thwump'

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Author scousekid900
Tags author:scousekid900 fun medium mines playable thwumps unrated
Created 2008-10-23
Last Modified 2008-10-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My latest, and hopefully best, map so far :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Road Rage' Thumbnail of the map 'D.F.K.' Thumbnail of the map '!!!ARG!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Here we go Again' Thumbnail of the map 'Door 8'
Road Rage D.F.K. !!!ARG!!! Here we go Again Door 8


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Demo Data

Cool, thanks

Was just curious. :)


log in, go into ur administation pannel at bottem, then go onto the tap of users and groups, choose your person, click on them, go to bottem of the the page it takes you to then click on banned. :) hope it works

About forumotion

I was just wondering how can ban/unban or IP ban users, and stuff like that. Or should I just look in the help section instead? :P


i know a fair bit, what is it u want/need?

You do forumotion?

Do you know a lot about admin and stuff? Ive got a forumotion site too and I was wondering if you had any superior knowledge? Heres mine: Its for Age Of Empires III.

Oh, and NR, coz it would be a two from me.


Long and repetitive. NR
Demo Data


"wtf doors"
pretty pointlees but still a fun challenge this way
Demo Data


seen it before
try making a race with a few of these and more flow
also use less gold
Demo Data


Anyone who likes N discusion, go to It's a forum for games including N. It's new so not many members....yet