Parachutist 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Parachutist 2'

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Author tekkie
Tags author:tekkie test unrated
Created 2005-09-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Some crazy level. Just for kicks. #1 wasn't worthy, so here's 2. Just survive and all. Actually pretty easy. Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Evasion' Thumbnail of the map 'Ring around the X' Thumbnail of the map 'Evasion 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Door-Dodging Rocket Survival' Thumbnail of the map 'TWiSTED' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Chamber: Overkill'
Evasion Ring around the X Evasion 2 Door-Dodging Rocket Survival TWiSTED Death Chamber: Overkill


Pages: (0)


mines faster, yay!


i enjoyed it:P
Demo Data

Another demo, same frame count.
Demo Data


Pretty good idea though. Spams too much rockets, however...


See? It's just a stupid idea I came up with. =D


Demo Data