South Pole or Bust

Thumbnail of the map 'South Pole or Bust'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author hoohah2x2sday
Tags action author:hoohah2x2sday medium playable supergauss timer unrated
Created 2008-11-08
Last Modified 2008-11-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Inspired by one of Origami_alligator's recent maps.

I like're timed...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Asymptote' Thumbnail of the map 'Its Up There Somewhere' Thumbnail of the map 'Partly Cloudy' Thumbnail of the map 'I've Got A Joke:' Thumbnail of the map 'Satisfaction This Way Comes' Thumbnail of the map 'Like a bad habit'
Asymptote Its Up There Somewhere Partly Cloudy I've Got A Joke: Satisfaction This Way Comes Like a bad habit


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The timer here makes the level, imo.

Concept is GREAT, but the placement is a little too scrappy for my tastes. Tiles are nice.

Remove the timer

No-one ever likes those. Other than that, as usual, a great, intelligently designed map. 4

timed level is made

by putting a gauss an exponentially far distance away from the playing field. when it finally cathces up to the ninja and fires, it automatically kills him even if it doesn't hit him...idk why, but it does.

the weak bounce pads are by going into the editor and then changing the "-1" in the launchpad code to a "-.67". you can change the negative number to any lower number, but i just happened to choose -.67. the lower the number, the lower the power of the launch pad



How did you make it a timed level?
How did you make the springs weak?
Demo Data


Why did romaniac get 200 frames more time then me. This map is racist.
Demo Data
The open door tunnel and the negative tiles in the top left are really close to it too.


its okey, not too good though
Demo Data

really, whcich one?

link pls ill check it out


The place where the ninja starts is EXACTLY like one of my recent maps.

...AGD soon.