
Thumbnail of the map 'Defence!'

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Author leonzhengn
Tags author:leonzhengn dda rated
Created 2008-11-08
Last Modified 2008-11-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description The homing launchers do nothing!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Head smack'
Head smack


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Nothing tries to kill you.
Only one continuous path.
Just a bunch of launchpad chains.
It sucks, man!
But dude, seriously, there is not much point in this DDA. Try to at least put some more effort into this.

No offence, dude. I once made stuff like this. I changes, and so can you.


is an awful dda. No offence, but this is just bad. there are no enemys, no close calls, just one long line of launchpads. anyone else would say the same thing. sorry, but you have to do better. 1/5


This map works!