City island

Thumbnail of the map 'City island'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author brainstone
Tags author:brainstone modern race rated
Created 2008-11-20
Last Modified 2008-11-20
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Although does not look lke one it is a race. if you have problems with the jump into the upper half, watch my demo.
Tiles by kaylab. []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Zamagorph' Thumbnail of the map 'Electrical Excellence' Thumbnail of the map 'MethaN Bowle' Thumbnail of the map 'Are you leaving already, Moon?' Thumbnail of the map 'MonoH Albathus' Thumbnail of the map '[Grolgoth]'
Zamagorph Electrical Excellence MethaN Bowle Are you leaving already, Moon? MonoH Albathus [Grolgoth]


Pages: (0)

wow yeah...

very nice

hm, i don´t make maps so often, I spend lots of time on them. I´ve been here for 7 months but I have 62 maps, so I´m not so well-known.
I needed very long for this demo...
honestly i watched the demo and i didnt even know you existed as a map maker until this wow how long have you been making maps?


All gold.
Demo Data