
Thumbnail of the map 'MineJumper'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author iMakeEsyLvls
Tags author:imakeesylvls easy firstlevel mines rated rotflcopter
Created 2008-12-06
Last Modified 2008-12-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first level...I hope it isn't too laggy :( I wasted away my afternoon. Please rate and comment so I can improve

1st map


Pages: (0)

Had lots of fun with this map. =)

oh.. and it looks like you need a sig... I'll make you one when I come home.. in 2-3 weeks..

It was my first map...I didnt notice all the gaps :(

Ill fix better on my next one like that

extremely cheatable

try to fix overly large gaps.

2.5/5, rounded up


cheatable, but other then that it's very good.
Demo Data

Good job

Very hard but very fun. 5/5