
Thumbnail of the map 'Haunted'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mustardude
Tags author:mustardude rated rf-collab
Created 2008-12-21
Last Modified 2008-12-21
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description We're cake people.

Collab w/ RadiumFalcon.

He did tileset, I did objects.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I made a Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'ATOB, Look!' Thumbnail of the map 'Docks' Thumbnail of the map 'Japanese Pyramid' Thumbnail of the map 'JEWD' Thumbnail of the map 'My Prostate is Itchy'
I made a Tileset ATOB, Look! Docks Japanese Pyramid JEWD My Prostate is Itchy


Pages: (0)


probebly the best of yours I've seen 5aved
and i pulled of that jump again ,, it is now my signiture jump :D
Demo Data

yes, cool jump

a lot of odd demos on this page :/

yes, i noticed the new avatar.

congratulations :)


*faves jump*
You have gotta check out this first jump :D ,, its sick!!
Great Object Placement ,, didnt much like the tiles but 4aved
Demo Data
The rest was relatively okay. I also didn't like the placement of the one-ways and the bounceblocks didn't really add to anything here. I think it would have been better without them.

Sorry bout that.

Just play again :/
ive been away for a week, cool map 4

*watch demo*

wa da fu happened man?

the jumppad wasnt reliable.
Demo Data