The Pale Cheese and the Blue Moon

Thumbnail of the map 'The Pale Cheese and the Blue Moon'

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Author Miiio
Tags author:miiio hard layers puzzle rated
Created 2008-12-24
Last Modified 2008-12-24
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description "holy shit, i made this!?!? thats amazing, i hope this gets featured..."

i mean just about any crap gets featured.

if you understand the mechanics of this map its pretty smart, its all about layers... enjoy and rce!

---im going to tell the mechanics, because people are just going to bitch and moan about the objects hiding beneath the bouncblocks. trust me im not that shallow.
watch the drone... watch the way it goes over or under the bounce blocks.. that should give u a clue how to do it, ihave no idea why everyones rating 2.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Need' Thumbnail of the map 'ENROOT' Thumbnail of the map 'Razor' Thumbnail of the map 'ROZER' Thumbnail of the map 'GHM' Thumbnail of the map 'Silent Alcove'
Need ENROOT Razor ROZER GHM Silent Alcove


Pages: (0)

Nice concept

But I do have to agree with jackass a bit on the gameplay. I don't think that a map which has the point of this drone-passing-over/under-bounceblocks thing should also try to be an action level. The lameness of the action part really brought down the puzzle part with it, especially coupled with the fact that you have to wait for the drone to go past each block before you can see which blocks to hit.

All that said, great concept, but way way way off on the implementation. I can see hardly a way this concept would work in any action-type setting.

Who gives a fuck

"omg drone paths ,, now this definatly deserves a 5/5" get real not that amazing ,, i rated it 2 cos the gameplay SUCKS

watch the demo

and watch the drone going through the blocks with a switch and then without the switch.
Demo Data

I gave it a 2

cos i didnt like it
learn to take what your givin


I dont get why people gave it a 2, but i gave it a 5.

wtf why
why rate 2?


its not that bad wtf? has numa got fucking cancer or something

I gave it a 2


wow... who rated?

its the point of the goddamn puzzle, omfg, if someone else does i bet u would kiss arse and rate 5/5 no matter how bad.
The map was ok, but hiding objects brought my 3 to a 2.