House of Traps v0.3

Thumbnail of the map 'House of Traps v0.3'

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Author Luxo_222
Tags author:luxo_222 elvis tileset unrated usable
Created 2008-12-29
Last Modified 2008-12-29
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Well, this isn't v0.3 but its the tileset that I'll probably use in the final version of House of Traps, but I don't think so, cuz I'm already makin changes to it :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The mother of all (my) minimaps' Thumbnail of the map 'Starting an unfinished work' Thumbnail of the map 'Non-jumping challenge v2 stuntz' Thumbnail of the map 'House of Traps v0.1' Thumbnail of the map 'House of traps v0.2' Thumbnail of the map 'Waste of Time'
The mother of all (my) minimaps Starting an unfinished work Non-jumping challenge v2 stuntz House of Traps v0.1 House of traps v0.2 Waste of Time


Pages: (0)

i love maps with traps.


btw, 4/5




it is a bunch of half tiles and whole tiles.

and whole tiles

looks like a bunch of half tiles