just join jumping

Thumbnail of the map 'just join jumping'

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Author gr_8
Tags author:gr_8 hard mine-jumper mines rated
Created 2009-01-09
Last Modified 2009-01-09
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description first proper mine jumper. this will probably get 0 rates as "it looks ugly". might be a lot of mines but it don't take very long to load. trust me. please.

Other maps by this author

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cliffs of money heart-breakingly (un)stable never to early to run over. build it up slimy stuff sticks.


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it's fun ...


it was fun, took me a few tries to beat, perhaps you could've not spazzed some places with mines and filled in the gaps between mines and trap doors to make it look less awkward. I liked the ending and the middle of the map alot, the rest was about average, 4/5 (actual rate 3.6/5)

i like minejumpers

and i rate on how well it plays not on its looks, 4 cos i like minejumpers