Thumbnail of the map 'WAV3_L3NGTH'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author 73lack_D72agon
Tags author:73lack_d72agon flowy race rated rythm thumps
Created 2009-01-23
Last Modified 2009-01-23
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description You are a dust spec, floating on the eternal waves of sound. You are in complete bliss as particles zoom around you, but you know they can never hurt you because your invincible. Everything seems so natural. You ride the waves of sound wherever they may take you. There's no way you won't meet an enjoyable destination. However, slow dust particles may not find the waves of sound so enjoyable. If only they could learn to fly.

Notes for Da' Author:
I worked really hard on this one. It really does seem as if your floating, but if you trip up, death will meet you. Personally I think this map is much better than N'DIANA JONES but that's just my opinion. I expect this map to go far, so plz rate! Thx everyone. Good Luck, Have Fun

In your comments plz make suggestions

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '72!GHT_072_L3FT' Thumbnail of the map 'N'DIANA_JONES' Thumbnail of the map 'N'D3STRUCTIBLE_ASC3NTION'


Pages: (0)

what is it

with you and 3s?


Demo Data

Thanks :P

AGD means all-gold demo.

I agree

and I think you will improve... Ndiana Jones was a good map :P

Not a good level.

There are far too many objects, and they increase the loading time as well as hinder gameplay. The tileset is ugly and generic, though at least it's consistent. Symmetrical maps can work, but when they are as linear as this, it leads to a bad sort of repetition.

Keep trying, and hopefully you will use my comments to make better maps!