1st DDA :)

Thumbnail of the map '1st DDA :)'

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Author Huki
Tags author:huki dda launchpads rocket short unrated
Created 2009-02-18
Last Modified 2009-03-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is my first DDA. It's not very long but I think for my first DDA it's ok.

Other maps by this author

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An older map Optical Illusion R44 Have you ever heard of hmpfrprfg? Hope you like it Smooth Mines


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Für die erste DDA

is das sehr gut! nur würd ich die rakete nich so weit abseits tellen, weil das sonst etwas öde wirkt ;)
but it had almost no close calls with the rocket 4/5