
Thumbnail of the map 'Agoraphobia'

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Author Kool-aid
Tags author:kool-aid challenge hard rated
Created 2009-03-11
Last Modified 2009-03-11
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description haven't subbed a map in some days, so blunk.

pretty difficult, gauss might be a pain, tell me if so,

btw- almost done with my dda, its taken me some time but almost finished, just if yah wanted to know. :\,,, (Gladiator6423)

Other maps by this author

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Malingers disembowelments Thioside DNA catastrophe Conceptual dunce Conceptual Dunce (Part 2-extended) Death's Paradox


Pages: (0)

anyway, I dont think this level likes me.....
ill keep trying


thats hard
Demo Data
The action was fne, but the object placement was kinda uncool.
aesthetics were nice, drones nicely placed, but as you said gauss was a pain so 3.5^