Up And Down

Thumbnail of the map 'Up And Down'

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Author Musicwumusic
Tags action author:musicwumusic playable unrated v1.3b
Created 2004-09-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Why is it that most of the time, I'm the first (sometimes for a long time) one to actually use ideas from the forum?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Double Exit' Thumbnail of the map 'Four-Way' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Halves' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Two' Thumbnail of the map 'Stone Age Thwump' Thumbnail of the map 'Hidden'
Double Exit Four-Way Two Halves Jump Two Stone Age Thwump Hidden


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You have to open the doors by teleporting twice. Then it is set up so that you can teleport twice more before you teleport to the exit, so you don't have to find a way to jump over the column of mines.