Listen To The Math

Thumbnail of the map 'Listen To The Math'

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Author karmap0lice
Tags author:karmap0lice beatable fun hard race rated
Created 2009-03-18
Last Modified 2009-03-18
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Here's a map! I spent a lot of time on this race, and its only my second, so it may suck. Its hard and its fast, I like it alot so I hope you do to, RCE! :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Last Trip (In Flight)' Thumbnail of the map 'Twisted Logic' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Think Twice, It's Alright' Thumbnail of the map 'Paper Tiger' Thumbnail of the map 'Tawoumga' Thumbnail of the map 'Yahweh'
Last Trip (In Flight) Twisted Logic Don't Think Twice, It's Alright Paper Tiger Tawoumga Yahweh


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i like : P



I edited it so that the drones come back to you at the end, but I cant post it because of the amount of rates :/ thanks for all the comments btw!

nice for a second

and i agree about the four tile

loved the drones

flow was uncanny, in a weird way though :p, haha if that makes sense

is this supposed to happen
haha most likely not
Demo Data

quick all gold.

nice map, it's a little loopy style, but i like that it's more open than most other generic races.

Demo Data


style. The one 4 block seemed like an obstacle though (in the tileset). still, good like my second :)
but what am i missing here?
i seemed to be on track...
Demo Data

Th style

of the tiles is vary naice

slower demo

i think this is pretty good - outstanding for a 3rd race. didnt like the launchpad bit because it was too jerky. the rest was very good, but the timing had to be a bit too precise at the start. 4/5
Demo Data
But i think that it could have been a little longer. The jump off the '4' tile section was fairly poor. The hangtime was pretty nice, though.
Demo Data

tokyo police club.



oh wait, this is my third race, and I agree with the 4 tile and the bumper, but I personally like the chimney, it'd make for interesting speedrunning, thanks for advice, I'm not that great at races, they're hard and they take me forever to make :/


Had the workings of a great race then it kinda died. The part on the left with 3 gold going to the 4 tile then to the launch pad doesn't flow. and then the chimney is lacking. you could have made something more going up to the door. And maybe encounter the two drones again.
Demo Data

Nice, 4/5


the ninja at the end of karmap0lice's demo...
Anywa, I felt the flow wasn't great in places and I didn't like the mine placement, but for a second race, that's pretty damn good.
This is the best I could do...
Demo Data


Demo Data


This is Just ... Nice. 5/5


its a bad demo, but its POP, only watch for help please
Demo Data