
Thumbnail of the map 'HELLscraper'

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Author Conen__TG_
Tags action author:conen__tg_ conen fuckfuckfuck hell rockets unrated
Created 2009-03-23
Last Modified 2009-03-23
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Jeez, not really evebn sure why I submit maps anymore they never get seen.

I guess I'll submit this one because I enjoyed it, fun little gold challenge.
If you like Rocket Dodger maps, this is for you.

Anyway yea, I hope you Enjoy this.

Please RCE this map and if you have time maybe a few of my other maps (Excluding the last one, it is unfinished).


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Moniker Emporium' Thumbnail of the map 'Canyon Sweeper' Thumbnail of the map 'Shroomry' Thumbnail of the map 'ELEVATOR FIBBONACHI' Thumbnail of the map 'Circuit Bound' Thumbnail of the map 'To be completed...'
Moniker Emporium Canyon Sweeper Shroomry ELEVATOR FIBBONACHI Circuit Bound To be completed...


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Also do you have IRC?

Yah, sorry. I have just been busy trying to do two mappacks and such. I will go and work on it right now. :)

I'll PM you soon

... see above.

Submit more maps! Trust me, people are watching. ;D (i just dont comment enough...) Also, you will eventually get people liking your maps because they are just plain good. Also we should try to do a collab again, eh?
Demo Data
to start off.

Fastest AGD route so far
Demo Data


but where do you go at the very beginning? i couldn't move to the side; i always died.


That's my birthday, lol :D:D:D


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Demo Data


I liked it. AGD was pretty easy when you get all the rockets to merge into one, but it still took me a few tries.

About what you said in the description, it's true. No one gets any attention anymore because there are so many mappers on NUMA now. It's quite sad.
Demo Data
I found to slip away from the original barrage of rockets and from there you can hop around the place to collect the gold and exit key.

by the way,

i always see your maps. and i occasionally check your archive to see if i've missed any.

too difficult

for me.