Needles and Locks

Thumbnail of the map 'Needles and Locks'

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Author Diamondeye
Tags action agd author:diamondeye easy unrated
Created 2009-04-30
Last Modified 2009-04-30
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's easy to complete, but there's plenty of challenge for those who likes that. AGD should preferably be a bit hard.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Campfire' Thumbnail of the map 'Tai Fighter' Thumbnail of the map 'Triangles III: More Double Drones' Thumbnail of the map 'Triangles IV: Gold and Gauss'' Thumbnail of the map 'Crystal Cavern' Thumbnail of the map '3 Doors Up (Mapdraft)'
Campfire Tai Fighter Triangles III: More Double Drones Triangles IV: Gold and Gauss' Crystal Cavern 3 Doors Up (Mapdraft)


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Thank you, Seneschal. Feedback is always appreciated, and 3 is not a bad rating. I was afraid using more enemies would crowd the map and either obstruct the "agd path" or make it so difficult that people would just pick the direct way.


I didn't like the clumped switches, and I think the gold could have been more imaginatively placed. That said, I agree with Tunco that the enemies were well balanced, I liked the multi-path feel to the map and the easy flow that the tiles provide. It isn't too exciting, and is actually very easy, so while the enemies are balanced, I would have preferred them to make it more difficult.
All in all, a 3 from me.
Because every map has parts like that.

Thanks, Tunco, I appreciate the feedback :) Was any parts too easy/difficult/empty?
I liked the way how you used enemies in different parts of maps, when you are making your way through the exit, this map shows up with more enemies, and clearly it manages to balance enemies, at the time when it offenses you , it also protects gold, and I think this map could be a nice inspiration for those who want to make a puzzle map, or for the ones who is looking for a puzzle concepted action map.
4 from me.
Demo Data