I Hate Caves.......

Thumbnail of the map 'I Hate Caves.......'

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Author rule
Tags .meh action author:rule playable unrated
Created 2009-05-02
Last Modified 2009-08-09
Map Data

Description .........

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Seperation' Thumbnail of the map 'When The Town Lights The Sky....' Thumbnail of the map 'Ouch!' Thumbnail of the map 'Vulcanic Ash' Thumbnail of the map 'Main Training Facility.' Thumbnail of the map 'How Hard Can it Be?'
Seperation When The Town Lights The Sky.... Ouch! Vulcanic Ash Main Training Facility. How Hard Can it Be?


Pages: (0)

at least 4/5
Demo Data


This didn't pass? Would've been a great -2.


i did that a while ago. it was a horrible waste. you should try modifying these maps and resubmitting them to moa, instead of just giving up.