twisted oak

Thumbnail of the map 'twisted oak'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fishsicles
Tags action author:fishsicles exterior mines playable unrated zaps
Created 2009-05-13
Last Modified 2009-05-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description AP tests are done, so I'm back to work with mapping. This is just a simple drone path aerial map, but not nearly as big as either of my previous exterior maps.

Other maps by this author

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bloodstone watching convergence ocularized twotm pre-beta nart, BETA LAUNCHED atrophy


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This is definetely my favourite outdoors one of yours. Perfect mix of difficulty. I will be playing this later for a demo. 4.5^aved. One of your best.

Great tileset

I like the simplicity and challenge it gives.

Looks like I need to try more of your maps