some cave

Thumbnail of the map 'some cave'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author gloomp
Tags author:gloomp cave kakfa rated some
Created 2009-05-22
Last Modified 2009-05-22
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description "Don't you want to join us?" I was recently asked by as acquaintance when he ran across me alone after midnight in a coffeehouse that was already almost deserted. "No, I don't," I replied.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'larynx crushing force delved' Thumbnail of the map 'Cricket Jumble' Thumbnail of the map 'Amiable\Aimless' Thumbnail of the map 'Milkworm Soul' Thumbnail of the map 'and the bullets stoke our passionfires' Thumbnail of the map '1:30am'
larynx crushing force delved Cricket Jumble Amiable\Aimless Milkworm Soul and the bullets stoke our passionfires 1:30am


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I love this map but I can't beat it but it's awesome anyway. <3
Demo Data


really fun map
Demo Data

happy birthday gloomp!

This map

is beastly.

Meta has 102

on nreality

sub-100 is possible


could perfect it soon
Demo Data

Cool map.



I beat this map in two seconds. You're an idiot, you have no idea of how to map because you added that second easy exit. I hate you and squares aren't funny with the waters and whatever.

theres more than just jumping off squares in this level
Demo Data


flow matter to me on any map. jumping off of squares is no fun for me, but if wat u say is true, ill try your other maps too

magikarp </3 you all
Demo Data
As you can see by my recent maps, I use a wide variety of tiles, and opted to use only square tiles in this one because it /what I felt like doing/. The two exits is simply a common episodic device. It gives the option to the player to "skip" the level or go for gold, which she may need. It's a design I quite like, and this map offered itself to that design. Also, this isn't a race. It doesn't need to be flowy.

Here's a demo showing how I play it.
Demo Data


Demo Data


</3 ChrisE


<3 palemoon.

im not

really a fan of palemoon

his maps arent that great, only a few

but what i think here would be a little overboard considering squares have nothing to do with caves...

I can see people rating this a 3 or 4... but im sorry, i really dont see anything in to to fav and rate it a 5

well anyway, 2.5^

slightly faster

Demo Data


well, yeah, you don't want to use only E-tiles all the time, but sometimes they can be quite fun and not look shitty. Just look at some of PALEMOON's older stuff.

Demo Data

slow agd atempt
Demo Data

>.> ...

</3 chrise

every map i comment on you have a completely opposite opinion =O staaaalkeeeerrrrr(no,notreally)

Use other tiles,

it makes the map look better rather than feeling like your looking at pixelation

It also makes the map more flowy...

Trying to jump off of Utah to get a damn key was absolutely not flowy

And whats the point

when theres a door with a key to your right...
Demo Data

all square tiles <3

gold pattern <3
mine usage <3
chain + rocket combo <3
two exits <3

not for mapdraft </3
