Dangerous DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'Dangerous DDA'

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Author -Eli-
Tags author:-eli- dda rated v1.3b
Created 2004-09-19
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A somewhat more traditional DDA (with launch pads!) than my others, I had to sacrifice a bit of cool stuff near the end to avoid a 1/3 chance of ninja death. There are still problems; for instance, the gauss turrets kill you about 1/50 of the time. If you die, simply restart.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Face of the Monster' Thumbnail of the map 'Floorguard Demonstration' Thumbnail of the map 'The Gates of Hell' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump DDA!' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Boat' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Chase DDA!'
Face of the Monster Floorguard Demonstration The Gates of Hell Thwump DDA! Thwump Boat Rocket Chase DDA!


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That is crazy o.o


Four DDAs posted in a row... these are getting popular!