Pixel Movement

Thumbnail of the map 'Pixel Movement'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tunco123
Tags 123 action author:tunco123 e rated
Created 2009-06-18
Last Modified 2009-06-18
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Not Fix'd.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Side effects' Thumbnail of the map 'A.T.W.A.' Thumbnail of the map 'UpStream' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Quitting Numa, Bye Everyone' Thumbnail of the map 'Vignette Exercises' Thumbnail of the map 'Flamboyant Caves'
Side effects A.T.W.A. UpStream I'm Quitting Numa, Bye Everyone Vignette Exercises Flamboyant Caves


Pages: (0)

I didn't like all the crowded enemies. There is a way to have ugly tiles, but still make the gameplay smooth, but this doesn't do that. Personally, it looks like a bunch of crap thrown together and tiles that made it into a lengthy map.

Too many enemies.

Dealing with all the lag is a bit of an issue, but it's interesting at times.
Demo Data

quite good

some nice puzzles, fairly good object placement, the tiles aren't the best, but I suppose that's part of the theme of the map.

this is okay

rather easy to die though.