
Thumbnail of the map 'Tribal'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ratatat_
Tags author:ratatat_ n-art ratatat rated tileset usable
Created 2009-07-08
Last Modified 2009-07-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I'll make a map from these tiles, but I wanted some feedback first.

What do you think?

It is pretty heavily playtested for flow.

Any ideas for maps? You can use it as well if you credit me.



Other maps by this author

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Ratatat Funnel stimulus conch Hammer


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and to leave the title blank, just don't put anything there.

Not my area, soz.

You'll have to contact Arachnid via the forums for this kind of thing.

O and by the way

I think the bounce blocks would be more flowy a 1/4 snap towards the tiles, like i edited in my version. Nice tiles though, 4aved

Half arsed it

just put in whatever, if you have any similar ideas dont worry you wouldnt need to credit me...

Also, your histogram looks like small buttcheeks.
To make an empty comment, use two square brackets as your comment like this:



it's not really anything, it's a tileset because there are no objects yet.


im not exactly sure what it is. not bad, though. im just used to tilesets that are a picture of something, not just a design.

please tell me why

you gave a one