Listen, Love, then Leave

Thumbnail of the map 'Listen, Love, then Leave'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spoof
Tags action author:spoof playable rooms timing unrated
Created 2009-07-09
Last Modified 2009-07-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tricky map. Its possible to hit every area in one trip, but two trips in some areas will obviously be safer (and can actually make an agd more fluid!)

Ded on my next map if anyone posts both an agd demo and a cheating demo..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ocean Wave' Thumbnail of the map 'I See Stars' Thumbnail of the map 'Boulder Crest' Thumbnail of the map 'Dez Moines' Thumbnail of the map 'Jalapeno' Thumbnail of the map 'Pepper Julius'
Ocean Wave I See Stars Boulder Crest Dez Moines Jalapeno Pepper Julius


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O dang

thats a long demo, ill give a ded anyways since you did it twice. Theres another ded out there for someone that finds the cheating route. RCE

Hmmmm @ratatat_

skipping the gauss room wasnt what i had in mind for cheating.. try to figure out the way to cheat, if you try and dont figure it out, lemme know and ill still give ya credit.

And a slow agd

By the way, I give this map a 3.5 rounded up, the thwumps are timed perfectly, maing it hard but not impossible
Demo Data

hard but fun

I have both, here's the speed run.
Demo Data