20.4 Tyranny

Thumbnail of the map '20.4 Tyranny'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChrisE
Tags action author:chrise rated t
Created 2009-07-17
Last Modified 2009-07-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '19.5 Staggering' Thumbnail of the map 'The Space Is Meant To Be There' Thumbnail of the map '20.1 Topology' Thumbnail of the map '20.2 Technology' Thumbnail of the map '20.3 Temporal' Thumbnail of the map 'Dissolving Castles'
19.5 Staggering The Space Is Meant To Be There 20.1 Topology 20.2 Technology 20.3 Temporal Dissolving Castles


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If you say you got sniper, good people will give you 5 even if it's a lie. But when you talk about sniping, snipers will snipe you again. :)

I know it from my experience. I used to hate them.

This map has style. Like it.


nice mechanics, I really like the thwump and drones.
nice work
Demo Data

Its just not fair

agd death
Demo Data

really nice, much harder than it looks, a demo I managed after realizing I don't need to get all the switches -_- but its not good
Demo Data


solid map, perhaps too temperamental for my tastes though.
Still, nice map
but these tiles are a bit overused with the square with a hole in the middle thing splarggg
Demo Data


Oh... I think i owe someone an apology...

;_; sorry mickyTP


are starting to annoy me. Anti-sniped.
:3 How kind. MickyTP again, i think.