Thumbnail of the map 'STEAMGRASP'

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Tags author:palemoon fuses rated steamgrasp
Created 2009-08-03
Last Modified 2009-08-03
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description a tense rocket adventure.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This Is Why You Always Read The Manual' Thumbnail of the map 'Body Haze' Thumbnail of the map 'Autumn In Space' Thumbnail of the map '_A Day At The Nightclub_' Thumbnail of the map 'justJUST partyPARTY' Thumbnail of the map 'Scarecrow Made'
This Is Why You Always Read The Manual Body Haze Autumn In Space _A Day At The Nightclub_ justJUST partyPARTY Scarecrow Made


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not at all

i'm saying that the existing tiles could've been better; maybe you could've made them smoother? The triangles were the ugliest parts imo.

make it a dratini

cute little thing


now do it--ive gotten used to dragons and such in palemoon maps
if there was a big dragon face or some shit in the upper corner you guys would like it more :/
but the gameplay is perfect; everything from the rockets to the one-ways was perfectly placed. 3/5

agd death
Demo Data

pwnd rockets
Demo Data

fuck ihated this

so hard too hard fuck

Demo Data

tiles are ugly

gameplay is fun
i landed on that rocket the same time it fired... on my first try =D
Demo Data

you get some good rocket dodges in this
Demo Data

<@Chord> on your map
<@Chord> there's an nan'd gold
<mintnut> yes
<&PALEMOON> oh no
<~srsfknbsns> oh my
<&PALEMOON> what does that mean

speed run

its fun but Idk if I like the tiles
Demo Data

first post lol