Ring Around The Neenja

Thumbnail of the map 'Ring Around The Neenja'

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Author Flubberdoodl
Tags author:flubberdoodl dizzying jk sixth unrated
Created 2009-08-16
Last Modified 2009-08-16
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description pockets full of idk RCE jawbit helped

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Your fav T.V. show' Thumbnail of the map 'Mining For Gold' Thumbnail of the map 'Jumping Hi' Thumbnail of the map 'Double Doer' Thumbnail of the map 'Curvy Corners' Thumbnail of the map 'Guyman'
Your fav T.V. show Mining For Gold Jumping Hi Double Doer Curvy Corners Guyman


Pages: (0)

Oh, karmap0lice,

you're such an effing critic. In particular, this is one of the best maps I've seen...ever. Totally 5aved.


thanks ur the 1st completely positive complement on my maps


This is the only map tagged "dizzying"


Also, great for only your 7th map.


my bro jawbit said i could put the door there probably jus to make me feel good like i knew wat i was doin puttin the door there lol thx :)

I don't like where the exit was placed, but this is your best map so far.
Just because people don't like symmetrical maps, doesn't mean their bad.
Demo Data


i heard that people dont like symmetry on maps and thanks

Be more patient.

Otherwise NUMA will be a nightmare for you... :P

Yes, this is better than your other maps... Good chosen enemies, good gold placement, better tileset.^^
... But I personally don't like the right part with the exit, because it's destroying the look of the clean rectangle tileset.


Demo Data

Slow AGD

Demo Data


i was happy when i saw two comments i was expecting something real and true, a comment from the heart...sniffle.......jk!


comment pleaseee