tube runner the second

Thumbnail of the map 'tube runner the second'

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Author suparki12
Tags action author:suparki12 flow hard playable race unrated
Created 2009-08-17
Last Modified 2009-08-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this one is completly different compared to my first map because its not stuffed and you can die. but i dont think there are anny shortcuts and if there is then ill count that as a secret shortcut. i didnt wantt this to be a time challenge so i have put a bit more gold then it should have

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'tube runner(level fixed up)' Thumbnail of the map 'chambers of death' Thumbnail of the map 'a short easy race' Thumbnail of the map 'The worlds shitest dda' Thumbnail of the map 'simply made hard to play'
tube runner(level fixed up) chambers of death a short easy race The worlds shitest dda simply made hard to play


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some critisizm.

1. Tileset. you say its tubes, make em look like tubes or something, like with style or whatever.

2. Refining flow. a race is supposed to flow nearly perfectly, if not perfectly. there were a lot of spots where there were stops or flow messups.

3. Gold placement. think about some cool ideas for flow placement.

anyways, im not sure if your totally new at races or not, but you should check a few races by other people, like riobe or i for instance. i dont mean to brag but im sure you will get some new ideas for some races.

i hope to see more from ya!

I didn't win...

...I stopped the demo, but it's a devil's demo :O That's never happened to me before.
Demo Data