Laser drone level

Thumbnail of the map 'Laser drone level'

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Author ammc
Tags author:ammc hard unrated
Created 2009-09-02
Last Modified 2009-09-02
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description great map a bit diffucult not finished yet give me feedback on what i should change.


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First Try AGD

Yep spammed enemies....... - - - what xy said.......
Demo Data

Didn't get around to beating it, considering the severe lag caused by the laser drones.

Welcome :]

... A typical first map...
Well, there are some main things you should change first, e.g., you should work on your tileset (it should look good and be a bit more creative than only E-tiles)... You also don't need so many enemies; most of them don't do anything (some don't even react, because they have to load first because of so many other enemies) :P... Oh, and don't hide enemies (like your thwumps), that's annoying >.<
... But yeah, welcome to NUMA^^... Maybe this [] could help you...
Demo Data