
Thumbnail of the map 'chemistry'

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Author ufripip
Tags action author:ufripip fun gauss jump-n-rockets muchtriggers unrated
Created 2009-09-25
Last Modified 2009-09-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description designed action map. lots of wide jumps. agd´s are not so difficult to make. I know the lasers don´t work perfectly, but that´s allright. well, have fun and rate, please!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'close to' Thumbnail of the map 'small town in the outback' Thumbnail of the map 'under ground' Thumbnail of the map 'under ground v2' Thumbnail of the map 'data stream' Thumbnail of the map 'pointer'
close to small town in the outback under ground under ground v2 data stream pointer


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wow thats awesome.

hard and gliches galore. 5/5