You Can really

Thumbnail of the map 'You Can really'

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Author Mega_Duff
Tags author:mega_duff insane minejumper possible unrated waluigi
Created 2009-10-24
Last Modified 2009-11-01
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


First AGD without walls gets ded


Other maps by this author

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Mister Awesome's Revenge ¬.¬ Cave Of The Tortured I smell bread Bubbles Mehehemeehmhmeh


Pages: (0)

Slow cheated route

It's always better to make it advantageous for a ninja to take a particular route than to just force him down it with loads of doors at traps anyway. For instance here some gold along the middle would have had the desired effect without all the ugly lines of doors. The top bit looks cool.
Demo Data
But it's possible
Demo Data