The Cave - Its Very Gloompy

Thumbnail of the map 'The Cave - Its Very Gloompy'

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Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise featured gloompy rated
Created 2009-11-05
Last Modified 2009-11-05
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description Aha! Gloompy. I see what you did there. Very clever.

This map was featured on 2010-09-09

To be a featured map, you don’t need to be flashy. You don’t need to have an awesome, never-before-seen concept. You don’t need to be the reviewer’s best friend. You don’t need to have a thumbnail that draws you in or a poem in the description. This map doesn’t have any of those qualities. It isn’t flashy, it doesn’t have a new concept and ChrisE isn’t my BFF. There is no poem in the description.

This map is fun. That is the only requirement for maps I feature. For me, mediumishly-easy gold collection and lots of it is fun.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hiphoppopotamus' Thumbnail of the map 'Sky Castle' Thumbnail of the map 'Forest of Skulls' Thumbnail of the map 'Patience Is A Virtue' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh Look! Mines!' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragonfly Z'
Hiphoppopotamus Sky Castle Forest of Skulls Patience Is A Virtue Oh Look! Mines! Dragonfly Z


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a lot of extremely dumb comments on this map, as usual, but there is some cool stuff here


is a wanabee bitch. also, he's definitely not new.


You would also know to credit people if you've been around as long as you say.

Most new mallees tend not to know the name of anyone. I have played N since I was 7 and only took up NUMA last October. I never paid attention to names. Only thumbnails.

Call me "Fagox" if you like, you will only become less popular and more of my dislike. I would give you a similar name but I would be flamed since you are new.



I quite like this



i've played some? new account = never been to numa? did you know you can look at maps without an account?
...what the shit is going on. I'm going to take 2 spots every week for the rest of the month, we need to get this sorted out.


I hope no-one minds if I'm reviewing the next map. As far as I can see, kkstrong didn't pick the 11th as one of his features dates, but he did pick the 10th and 13th. I'd like to take some weight off his hands.
but im not really a fan. it just plays too much the same each time to qualify as a "fun" map, and it doesn't have much more charm than those first few times.

What? "only"?

I thought kk needed the map to be /highscoreable/ too!

Anyway, short playthrough quickly reveals this as a banal gold-collection map.


I remember this

And you know this how nUMAnUMA?

"This map is fun."

Nice review. Nice.


Extremely basic uninteresting map. ChrisE has many fine maps to choose from.

I really like this. The enemies are minimal and perfect. The gold gives a reason to play. 5aved


this reads more as kk trying to justify himself than an actual review of the map. The review is like, 95 words about kk, 4 words about the map. >_>

Yes! Somebody actually said the unspoken truth!

I uh what.

Sweet. Though, I do think it's not one of my best.
the 3rd jump in, off the right wall.. i think its a reverse wall-jump or w/e
Demo Data

same as conen

chris has better
Just played it again...
Simply... Boring...
I am sorry. NR.

fastest demo so far, I also like the gold, I don't like the map or it's look though
Demo Data
too much of it :S
Demo Data

almost agd
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