
Thumbnail of the map 'Katoglytiker'

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Author BloodyMoonLike
Tags author:bloodymoonlike kinda race rated
Created 2009-11-08
Last Modified 2009-11-08
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description my first race.. enjoy it.. ;)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sympathy' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Skins' Thumbnail of the map 'Angry?!' Thumbnail of the map 'Discovery "Flashback"' Thumbnail of the map 'Discovery "Two Ways To Go"' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine-Tower'
Sympathy Two Skins Angry?! Discovery "Flashback" Discovery "Two Ways To Go" Mine-Tower


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I thought this was frikin awesome!!!


1. Avoid vertical walljump sections that are only one tile high (you use these excessively in your loops). They are tedious to play with.

2. Make sure that the highest speed at which one can possibly perform the race ends with success.

Specific problem: The first locked door button is badly placed because it's extremely easy to overjump it, requiring you to slow yourself down---something which you must NEVER require a player to do in a race (it's unflowy).

3. Loops are boring and cliché. Spend more time on more interesting types of flow. Also, spend more time on aesthetics (something which I have yet to get good at).

4. Don't spam unnecessary enemies. With races, less is more.

5. Minimize the angle of contact between the ninja and surfaces.

All in all, this is a fairly typical first race. But don't give up---keeping on racemaking!


thats a kind of race.. not a real race.. >,<

i hate this map...

whenever you go fast (no matter where) you end up loosing ther flow wich make this a very bad map.

faster agd

this had some really bad moments in the flow, i reckon this is 1,5 down, compared to the races of destiny and riobe, no where near 4
Demo Data

better AGD

Demo Data

very sad because you have to slow down in the start and this wasn't good either(tjek demo)...
Demo Data


4/5 btw

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faster agd

Remember that the flow has to be perfect om a race. A few times, tiles interfere with this...
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agd run

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