The most epic piece of poopie you will ever see or meet.

Thumbnail of the map 'The most epic piece of poopie you will ever see or meet.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Hajtun
Tags author:hajtun g grwgr rated rw
Created 2009-11-16
Last Modified 2009-11-16
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Look at this map, the aesthetics are just simply beatiful and and everything is completely perfect.
Just watch the complicated drone pathing and the placement of the mines.
It just all melts together so well into one perfect thing: this map.
The difficulty however is kinda easy and you sure are a big noob if you can't beat this.
I consider this map feature worthy because it is just simply the best, the king of all maps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'aweee-some' Thumbnail of the map 'HUAYxWQ' Thumbnail of the map 'go suck an egg' Thumbnail of the map 'pole' Thumbnail of the map 'do you really think you can beat this?' Thumbnail of the map 'A SQARE'
aweee-some HUAYxWQ go suck an egg pole do you really think you can beat this? A SQARE


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why dont you make great maps anymore?


slr &f=

it is beatiful


i agree


You suck




everybody has to 5ave this because they would be very looked down on from the other members.
simply full of skills.