WARdrobe Part 3

Thumbnail of the map 'WARdrobe Part 3'

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Author LowBeat
Tags author:lowbeat speedy trycky unrated
Created 2010-01-25
Last Modified 2010-01-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You not need so much agility for this map... :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'As It Supposed To Be' Thumbnail of the map 'What else is there?' Thumbnail of the map 'Quarantine' Thumbnail of the map 'The bean what reaches the sky' Thumbnail of the map 'Modern Arts' Thumbnail of the map 'Chhose your way carefully'
As It Supposed To Be What else is there? Quarantine The bean what reaches the sky Modern Arts Chhose your way carefully


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but yea...

if there wasnt any gold over those traps, it would've been better. And, you shouldn't place impossible gold on a highscoring map like this.

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Don't use trapdoors like that. 2.5v
Demo Data